Village commercial property in Marlborough Township on a highly traveled Main Street in Green Lane. This property is on .97 acres and offers parking for 45 vehicles. Property is currently being occupied by the historic Kaufman house restaurant. There is a lot of charm throughout the building with vintage decor. On the main floor... restaurant/bar area, two private dining rooms, kitchen, work station, buffet/dining area two bathrooms. Second floor... kitchenette, dining area, two stall bathrooms, three rooms. Third floor.. kitchenette, two full shared bathrooms and four rooms. 150 seating capacity, two walk- in refrigerators and a great size basement. You will also find a 2nd building on the property and can be a great opportunity for accessory use. Village commercial zoning with multiple uses available including but not limited to bed and breakfast, boarding house or inn with 10 or fewer rooms, single family or multi family dwelling on 2nd & 3rd floor, cafe, pre school, adult or child day care center, retail, studio for art, dance, music and crafts. There are great opportunities and multiple uses for this property. Schedule a tour to get a feel of how you can utilize this property to fit your needs.